Where can Customers Get Pho for a Fiver?
Offer available at Pho's newest store in Covent Garden.
Pho, the Vietnamese street food chain, are set to open their 14th store in Covent Garden on February 5, and are marking the occasion with a raft of offers.
Diners will be able to grab a selection of their meals for £5 on launch day, and will be offered 25% off meals over the weekend. In addition, takeaway, or 'Pho to Go', will also be available at the store from February 10th.
The restaurant will be one of the group's smaller outlets, with room for 52 diners, though it does include a cocktail bar, offering Vietnamese espresso martinis and Phojitos.
The chain has high aspirations for 2015, with plans for stores in Birmingham and Manchester.