EXCLUSIVE: Tortilla discusses how 'Tortilla 800' will fuel their growth
Tortilla's managing director Richard Morris spoke to QSR Media to discuss the recently launched Tortilla 800 concept, as well as the changes incorporated to fit the new format.
Morris said the new ‘Tortilla 800’ model allows the brand to set up in smaller residential, or office-based areas with lower costs, while still delivering the required sales due to a higher percentage of take-away and delivery.
QSR Media: What menu changes have you made to fit this new store format?
We haven’t made any changes to the kitchen so the experience remains the same. We will be launching our amazing frozen cranberry mulled margarita next week, which will also be available in Putney.
QSR Media: What other changes did you need to make to your regular stores to fit the new format?
We have maintained as many of the key features you would see in any of our other restaurants: the deep red tiles behind the serving counter, great imagery of our food, beer cages promoting a fun selection of beers, hard wood finishes, loads of unique neons, and posters giving homage to our Cali-Mex heritage.
QSR Media: How many Tortilla 800 stores are you targeting on opening?
If Putney is successful, we would hope to open quite a few in the following 24 months. We believe the model, creating the friendly local burrito joint in residential areas, can really catch on.
QSR Media: What locations are you looking to open these new stores in?
The focus will be high residential or office based areas, currently.
QSR Media: How long has this new store format been in the works for?
We have been working on this model for around 6 months and Putney has fallen perfectly as a great test bed for us. The demographic of the area is all our customers and the footfall is high.