Restaurants' like-for-like trading continues to decline
Meanwhile, pubs and bars took a rise in like-for-like sales.
Coffer Peach Business Tracker’s report for July 2018 reveals restaurant groups took a fall of 4.8% in like-for-like trading.
On the other hand, pubs and bars continue to grow, having gained a collective like-for-like sales growth of 2.7%.
The key factors for the pubs’ growth are the hot weather and the customer growth brought by the World Cup, which are said to be strong in London.
“These results continue the trend we’ve seen since the end of April. Weather and the impact of major social or sporting events remain the biggest factors when it comes to sales in the out-of-home market,” Paul Newman, head of leisure and hospitality at RSM said.
Overall, the combined managed pub, bar and restaurant sector saw like-for-likes flat in July, recording 0% growth.