What seven major risks QSR operators should know about and how to tackle them
DTiQ shares the most practical ways to address these challenges.
Leader in video surveillance and data analysis DTiQ, who is confirmed as one of the lead sponsors for the QSR Media UK Conference and Awards 2023 powered by Redbull, has published a short guide identifying the seven major risks for QSR businesses. The paper also looks at how to tackle these risks across multiple locations.
How to Tackle Seven Major Quick Service Restaurant Risks (dtiq.com) examines internal risks including bandwidth, food safety, injury/slip or fall, internal theft, fraudulent third party chargebacks, external theft and reputation risk.
“Most importantly, we look at practical ways to address these challenges,” confirms Gareth Bakewell, Business Development UK, DTiQ.
“As an organisation DTiQ works with thousands of multi-site QSR businesses across the world and so we understand the common issues they share, regardless of location. This also means our experts can offer insight about how organisations can work to solve such problems.
“Our video surveillance, analysis and reporting offer just one solution that can help monitor and address risk factors within the QSR space. With video evidence, training and policies can be adjusted and the right technology and intelligent data analysis can minimize, if not completely eradicate, some of these risks,” Bakewell said.
“A good example is tackling the rising issue of fraudulent third-party charge backs. Here, a customer might order through an aggregator and claim something was wrong with their meal. Incidents have gone viral across the internet, with some people dubbing it their “unethical life hack”. Even when the meal is correct, people will claim something was wrong so the third party will provide a refund, hence the free meal. Using video-proof you can show evidence that your restaurant completed their order in-full and on time. Once the footage is shared with the third-party delivery service, you’ll win the chargeback.
“These sorts of risks are a part of the quick service restaurant experience, but there are more ways now than ever to minimize — and almost entirely eliminate — them.”
If you’re looking for another set of eyes to keep operations as smooth as possible, see how DTiQ can help. For further information please email: Gareth Bakewell: [email protected] or visit: www.dtiq.com The short guide can be found: How to Tackle Seven Major Quick Service Restaurant Risks (dtiq.com).
About DTiQ
DTiQ provides next-gen video reporting to help retail and QSR business with transactional analysis, video management and machine learning and AI across multiple locations. For further information please see: www.dtiq.com