Pizza Hut exec bats for clearer roadmap on helping businesses hit by energy crisis
The UK government released a new energy bill relief scheme.
Pizza Hut Europe & Canada Managing Director Nicolas Burquier said there should be a clearer roadmap on the government's efforts to help businesses, especially the hospitality industry, amidst the energy crisis.
His comments stemmed from the UK government’s efforts to put up an energy bill relief scheme, which he said was the “right direction” as businesses are hurt by the high energy costs.
“Nonetheless, more needs to be done. At Pizza Hut, we’re pulling all the levers of our bulk brand influence to minimise the pressure on our franchisees, including significantly higher supply chain and labour costs,” said Burquier.
“But there’s only so much we can do before we have to pass those costs onto customers,” he added.
He added that the Chancellor’s statement this week will show a government road map on what will happen beyond the six-month plan.
“UK hospitality needs to be recognised as a vulnerable sector in need of longer-term support. Only then can hospitality truly plan and ensure it’s there for its customers for many decades to come,” he told the media.