Kaspa’s Desserts tops UK Desserts Market in BrandVue’s survey
The report is titled BrandVue’s Most Loved Eating Out Brands 2022.
Kaspa’s Desserts topped the UK Desserts market and entered the top 100 brand league, the BrandVue’s Most Loved Eating Out Brands 2022 showed.
The brand entered the top 100 brand league at sixth position overall and third in the coffee shops and cafe category after Greggs and Costa Coffee.
Francesco Arcadio, Group Managing Director for Kaspa's Desserts, said, “Entering the top 100 league and being nominated among the UK top 6 as Most Loved Eating Out Brand by the public is like a dream come true for a young, growing brand like Kaspa’s Desserts.” Francesco said. “It's a testament to our unrelenting focus on making every guest visit special. This comes from the continuous improvement in quality and value our founders have always had as a vision for the brand."