Yum’s! Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing Policies
Company expressed its commitment to source cooking oil and packaging only from suppliers practicing sustainability.
Yum! remains committed to implementing its global nutritional policy that includes removal of palm oil as cooking oil in restaurants by 2017. In extenuating circumstances and by exception, markets that will not meet our nutrition policy timeline will have a plan in place to source 100% sustainable palm oil by the end of 2017.
The company’s goal is to source 100 percent of its palm oil from responsible and sustainable sources by the end of 2017. It will also give preference to suppliers that are Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certified.
Furthermore, it will implement stricter policies in ensuring that its suppliers uphold sustainability and human rights.
Yum! is also committed to making sustainable packaging a priority. In support of this commitment, it has developed Sustainable Sourcing Principles such as not purchasing paper-based packaging products that were made with fibre that comes from illegal or non-environment friendly sources; giving preference to suppliers who provide paper-packaging certified by a third-party that meets the most rigorous forest management standards; and increasing the amount of recycled content, as permitted by regulatory and technical constraints, across its global system.
To show compliance with this sourcing policy, Yum! warned its suppliers to substantiate their claims that fibres used to produce the paper-packaging were legally harvested and traded and that they do not come from unwanted sources.