Abokado launches 'Better Breakfasts' range
The month-long campaign includes wellbeing sessions for their staff.
Healthy chain Abokado has launched its new ‘Better Breakfasts’ range in all their stores across London.
The range includes new ‘extra creamy’ porridge (with a vegan option), and a choice of toppings such as coconut & almond butter & banana (vegan) and superseeds & berry compote, along with Grab ‘n Go healthy wholegrain bagels.
Throughout its month-long ‘Better Breakfasts’ campaign, Abokado will run a series of porridge and coffee giveaways across all stores in addition to teaming up with a London personal trainer to run a series of monthly ‘Happy body, Happy mind’ wellbeing sessions for their staff.
“Mornings now account for 30% of all visits to our stores so I’m hugely excited about the new hot breakfasts we have on offer. I believe Abokado’s breadth of menu is now second to none,” Abokado CEO Mark Lilley said.
The brand also partnered with a world-renowned psychologist who stressed that eating a substantial breakfast regularly is proven to makes consumers happier.
“Obviously every meal we eat is important, but breakfast is particularly important because if you get your day off to a healthy and positive start, that positivity can provide the inspiration and motivation to perform better and feel better in everything you do. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Physiology for example, found that regularly eating a substantial morning meal boosts endorphins and serotonin, which are often referred to as the feel-good hormones,” Sharp explained.
Founded in 2004, Abokado has 24 stores currently across London.