Allergic consumers more confident about eating out
The legislation on allergen information rules created a positive impact for business.
According to the New University research, people with food allergies and intolerances are more confident about eating out since allergen information rules were introduced in 2014.
Over 2 million people in the UK have food allergy and an estimated 600,000 have coeliac disease. In December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) changed the way food businesses operate to provide allergen information to consumers.
The study, commissioned by the FSA and carried out by Professor Julie Barnett in the University’s Department of Psychology, focused on consumer preferences when eating out before and after the implementation of the EU FIC. The study also compared views from consumers on how food businesses responded to the allergen rules pre and post-implementation.
The research found that post legislation: 70% of food allergic and intolerant consumers feel more confident in asking staff for allergen information; 56% of food allergic and intolerant consumers value staff more as a source of information; 44% of food allergic and intolerant consumers are more ‘adventurous’ about eating out; 67% feel allergen information on food business websites is dependable; 63% say talking to the chef about their allergen needs can be relied on; and 35% report an improvement in allergen information in the menu.
The study also noted that food allergic and intolerant customers eat out more frequently and were more likely to return to and recommend venues with staff that were helpful and attentive about their allergen needs.
Professor Julie Barnett, who led the research from the University’s Department of Psychology, said, “Our findings are important because they inform food businesses about how consumers want information about allergens - both written and directly from staff. Going forward I hope this work helps to inform the provision of detailed practical guidance to inform the practice of food businesses as they seek to give a great service to all their customers.”
Heather Hancock, chairman of the Food Standards Agency, said, “Everyone should be able to trust their food. When people live with a food allergy or intolerance that can make them really ill or be life threatening, that trust becomes critical. This new research shows that many food businesses have a good understanding of the allergen information rules, with the result that consumers trust them and feel confident that they'll be safe when eating out.
“I'm delighted that we've been able to work with food businesses to make such a difference, improving public health and enhancing choice and confidence for millions. Some, often smaller, food businesses haven't got on top of providing allergen information yet. I hope this research helps them see the importance of meeting their obligations and the benefits it delivers. At the FSA, we'll be increasing our efforts to ensure businesses understand their responsibilities and their customer.”
Photo credit: Top Local Trainer