Threatened shark species on sale in fishmongers and chip shops, study claims
The research was done through "DNA barcoding".
Threatened shark species are on sale in fishmongers and chip shops, according to a paper published in the journal Scientific Reports.
The researchers found species including starry smooth-hounds, nursehounds and blue sharks on sale. Through a method called “DNA barcoding”, the study analysed 78 samples from chip shops and 39 from fishmongers, mostly in southern England, as well as 10 fins from a wholesaler.
It also analysed 30 fins seized by the UK Border Force on their way from Mozambique to Asia. These came from species including bull sharks.
“Knowledge of shark species consumption in the UK, especially those of prohibited species and those of high conservation concern, enhances our ability to address the decline in shark populations," first author Catherine Hobbs explained.