More than 7 out of 10 Britons flinching at price hikes during peak hours
51% say they consider this as completely unacceptable.
More than seven out of 10 or 74% of Britons are opposed to pubs and bars charging higher prices during peak hours, a poll by YouGov revealed.
Out of all those who opposed it, 51% consider it ‘completely unacceptable’ whilst 21% consider it ‘somewhat unacceptable’.
Meanwhile, one in five consider it acceptable for pubs and bars to charge more during busy periods.
Brtions in the age group between 18 to 24 years old feel less strongly that it is unacceptable than other age groups (57% vs all other age groups 75%-78%)
Only 21% of younger consumers say it is ‘completely unacceptable whilst elder Britons are three times as likely to hold this view (61% of 50-64 year olds and 57% of Britons aged 65+).