LEON launches flagship restaurant in Gran Canaria Airport
The new outlet is now their largest restaurant yet.
Leon has opened its 6th international site, boasting of 500 sq, meters and having a 24-hour concept, at the Gran Canaria Airport, Las Palmas.
“Airports are one of the places where people still struggle to eat well. Choices are limited, quality is often dubious, and traditional fast food still reigns. We want to open LEONs in places where people need us most, and we’re excited to be in Gran Canaria with our biggest ever restaurant,” John Vincent, Leon’s CEO and co-founder said.
Their new Spanish team had been said to have trained at their restaurants in London for three months before the opening day and is continuing to check on them on a regular basis.
Leon previously announced that they will be having their first outlet in Washington D.C. soon as well as having upcoming plans to launch at Dublin.
(Photo credit: LEON Facebook page)